The State of the Cybersecurity: How to Hire and Retain in a Zero Percent Unemployment Market

Presented at the February Virtual Cyber Executive Forum 2021.

Session date:February 19, 2021
Session time:10:15 AM – 11:00 AM

The unemployment rate for cybersecurity professionals—the people protecting us from cyber-attacks—is zero (some studies say it could be even higher), and the majority of these professionals (59%) are open to leaving their current jobs. This recruiting and retention challenge is a very serious national security issue. It’s no wonder the question I am most frequently asked is: “What are the ‘best ways’ to attract, hire and retain talent?” In this talk, Deidre will discuss what she sees every day as the Founder and CEO of CyberSN, the largest solely focused cybersecurity talent acquisition firm in the US. With the right strategies, leadership can create teams that are more successful, and with greater retention rates.

Another great event that’s part of our ongoing Cyber Executive Forum series.

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