ISSA Chapter announces launch of their new updated mentorship program!

In recognition of National Mentorship Month in the United States, the ISSA International AIM program is highlighting several chapters contributions who have established a mature Mentorship process or program.

The ISSA International AIM program is pleased to highlight the ISSA Denver Chapter, along with Cyversity to establish a partnership to provide mentorship and skills training. This includes networking, career pathing, communication improvement, insights into cybersecurity roles, and interview and resume-writing skills.

The Denver ISSA Chapter is excited to announce the launch of their new updated mentorship program! The program is designed to formalize relationships between more senior professional individuals in the chapter (Mentors) and security professionals seeking to learn from these people to gain skills or further their career (Mentees). 

The program focuses on mentees, with mentors guiding their growth through experienced leadership. Mentors are required to have five years Cybersecurity experience. Mentors do not have to be a member to be a Mentor participant in the program.

To augment the program, Cyversity and ISSA Denver will offer affordable memberships to students, military personnel, and those re-entering the Cybersecurity field. ISSA Denver has also grown its membership and hosts numerous Cybersecurity events and special interest groups in collaboration with other non-profits, such as ISACA Denver, WiSyS, CSA, etc. promoting diversity and inclusion in the local workforce.  

More to come with the partnership with the Cyversity mentorship cohort which will be commencing by late January/early February!

To learn more about the Denver Chapter’s Mentorship program, please navigate to the chapter website mentorship page located at

Be sure to check out the process document they created outlining in detail, the expectations for Mentors and Mentees which you can find on the website as well. You can also submit questions to to get additional information directly from the chapter.

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