Fellows Program

The ISSA Fellows Program formally recognizes significant contributions to the cyber community, cyber profession, ISSA leadership and sustained ISSA membership. The elite status of Distinguished Fellow designation is limited to only 1% of ISSA members and Fellow status is limited to 2% of the ISSA membership. Senior Member status is the first step towards fellowship and requires at least 5 years of membership.

Click on the link to see the 2025 Fellows, Distinguished Fellows Inductees, and current members.

Fellows and Distinguished Fellows

Members need to meet additional criteria before they may be considered for Fellow and Distinguished Fellow status.

Fellow Qualifications

  • 8 years of association membership
  • 12 person-years of relevant professional experience
  • 5 years of significant performance in the profession such as substantial job responsibilities in leading a team or project, performing research with some measure of success or faculty developing and teaching courses


Distinguished Fellow

Distinguised Fellow Qualifications

  • 12 years of association membership
  • 16 person-years of relevant professional experience
  • 5 years of sustained volunteer leadership in the association
  • 10 years of documented exceptional service to the security community and a significant contribution to security posture or capability

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