Executive Roundtable Discussion (1): Artificial Intelligence – Present and Future

Presented at the May Cyber Executive Forum 2023.

Session date:May 19, 2023
Session time:11:30 AM – 12:15 PM

Artificial Intelligence or AI is being discussed at every level, including main stream news. In this round table, let’s explore the responses to these five (5) questions:

  • What kind of impact does AI use have on security and safety of your company/employees, if any? 1a. Can AI cause harm? If so, what?
  • What possible moral implications does AI have in our business environments?
  • Many believe there should be a governing body on AI’s use and development, should we? If so, how would you see this happening?
  • Is your organization using AI/Chatbots? and if so, were you involved in the selection? how do you manage it?
  • How do we react/respond when something goes wrong?

Another great event that’s part of our ongoing Cyber Executive Forum series.

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